Motivation is tied to mental health;depression which is a chronic mental and often with physical symptoms has adebilitating lack of motivation. But a mental imbalance can cause excessive motivation,as in bipolar disorder during a manic episode. The relationship of motivation andmental health occurs in many different ways. Motivation can be severely lackingwith depression. The symptoms of depression stifle motivation, and thestronger these symptoms are, the lower your motivation is to accomplish goals.
Depression is best treated withmedication. Depression, due to past failures or traumas, can be better helpedwith therapy that focus on increasing coping skills. As your motivation increases,there is a decrease in the symptoms of depression.
Bipolar disorder is anotherdisorder where motivation and mentalhealth is affected. People with bipolar disorder experience alternating periodsof depression and mania.
During depressive periods, theperson experiences most of the symptoms of major chronic depression, lowmotivation included. Manic episodes cause people to experience a degree ofmotivation that is the extreme opposite of depression. Both mania anddepression treated with medication and if needed therapy can balance themotivation.
With Bipolar I Disorder motivationwill help with staying with your treatment plan and assist you with yourmedication regime. To keep motivated, record your progress and how you arefeeling each day. This way you will be able to see how you are improving. Adaily journal is a good way to keep track of your progress.
Staying motivated to take your medicinemay help when you wonder if the medicine is really helping you. Progress inyour treatment plan may be slow at first. You may find that you have days whenyou're making good progress, and other days when your therapy seems to be at astand still. With Bipolar I Disordergetting it under control sometimes is trial and error.
Treatment is the important thingand not losing confidence in yourtreatment plan, even if you do not seem to be making progress for a few days, stickingwith your treatment plan is imperative to finding the right combination ofmedication any concerns should be discussed with your doctor.
There is hope for a recovery formental illnesses, although the work and commitment that is involved may seem attimes impossible. Making mental wellnessis a goal that is worth striving for. Diligent adherence to proposals by your doctor and medication is vitalto healing and keeping mental well being.