Although medication a necessarytreatment for Bipolar disorder most people can often benefit from a combinationof medication and psychotherapy. Thosewith Bipolar disorder have to learn to adjust to their illness and find ways tounderstand it. Psychotherapy can help them the ability to live bipolar and howto distinguish the world of their illness which sometimes is distorted by theirmood swings.
The pattern of each symptom variesfrom individual and recognizing ones own patters in one’s thoughts, moods andbehavior. Recognizing the stressors in daily life and how this affects theirmoods. In this way they can learn how to cope with the challenge of life’sevents and how to address issues that come up. Psychotherapy can assist in exploring issues that are unique to one’s necessityof the medication as part of their wellbeing. With psychotherapy they can explore and understand the emotions thatthey experience by living bipolar.
There are many types of therapyand what works for one individual may not work for someone else. In choosing thetype of therapy there are things\ to take in consideration. Those whoparticipate in psychotherapy must be focused in behavior and on their treatmentand are stable with medication before therapy begins.The symptoms of severedepression often bring thoughts of such a compelling and intense nature that itis difficult for the person to think objectively. These thoughts influence one’s mood andphysical well being. In order to identify these thoughts and type of thinking cognitivebehavior therapy is used to evaluate and challenge the ideas.
Coping skill focuseson altering the way that one responds to negative events. Loss is a common negative event. Coping skills therapy is focused on actions enablingthe person to respond with alternate ways of responding to bad events.
The many types oftherapy should be explored before choosing the one that is right for the personaffected. While there is not cure for Bipolardisorder. Therapy offers the chance tobetter a persons life while being Bipolar and living Bipolar.
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