Explaining what it feels like tohear voices is not easy especially if you have never had theexperience. Some people, who have hearing voices is a common experience lastingfor days or months and in some cases long term. Auditory hallucinations may varyand each experience with hearing the voices can be different.
Hearing the voices is often heardas though they were generated from outside of the ears but can be as if theyare thoughts in their head or an internal thought. Many believe it telepathy. What is called inspirational ideas do notencompass the concept of hearing voices. Hearing voices is a sign of a medical or mental disturbance.
Certain description of hallucinations are as athought that appears as words in the person’s mind. The voice could talkcoherently to the person or engage in conversation. The person is not incontrol of what the voice says. There are many different types ofhallucinations including: visions, images, tastes, smells, and touch. Hearingvoices can be a different way for other people.
Some would even hear the voicesinside or outside their heads or even from their bodies. They could her justone voice or hear many of them. They hear the voice as something that talks toyou or talks about you.
Hearing voices is like a dream ornightmare except that it does happen in real life. The voices are present allday for some people and can disrupt their normal routines every day. Some ofthe voices tend to be abusive and commands the person to do various acts as is commonwith schizophrenia.
To hear voices is a disturbingexperience. Hearing voices are considered as an auditory hallucination inpsychiatry and as symptoms for schizophrenic disorders, bipolar disorder andpsychosis. Medication such as, antipsychotics are used to control thehallucinations.
Not everyone responds to thistreatment however, it is extremely rare that the hallucinations can not becontrolled
Studies have found out that somepeople who hear voices are able to cope well without any psychiatricintervention. It was also found out that the people who hear voices who canregard them as a positive part of their life and not as negative aspects oftheir lives.
Throughout history there are those who havesaid that the voices that they hear are comforting and inspirational. Despitethat it is still considered as a sign of a psychosis or other mental aberration.
For some coping with voices canbe a relationship with the voices: even if they experienced them as abusive,guiding or inspirational.
By some professionals hearingvoices can be thought of a something real, meaningful, at times painful,overwhelming and fearful.
Hallucinations can make theperson see, hear or feel things that are not really there. The experiences arenot real but for the person experiencing it, the visions and all the other sensationsthat feels is real. There is a break from reality.
This condition is diagnosed withother disorders, in dementia, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, substance abuseand some personality disorders. Many famous people all throughout history arereported to have experienced hallucinations at some degree. It can also betriggered when someone loses a loved one or if they have had a traumaticchildhood experience. The symptoms of hallucinations on these conditions can betemporary.
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