
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Bipolar Disorder and Psychosis

Bipolar disorder is anillness that affects a person’s ability to control their mood. The two mainmood swings are mania and depression. Bipolar psychosis is very complex and a part of Bipolar I disorder.Psychosis is commonly found to be in to bipolar disorder, in mania and depressiveepisodes and it can be seen in Bipolar II depression.
Statistics show that approximately 70% ofpeople in a full blown manic episode experience psychosis. Howerever, peoplewith Bipolar II hypomania rarely experience psychosis. Though studies vary, itis estimated that 50% of people with bipolar depression experience psychosis.

Bipolar psychosis is when thereis a state of where the person is out of touch with reality, loss of reasoningat this point the treatment is difficult as the person often resists anytreatment.
Bipolar psychosis can be verydisruptive and cause significant work and relationship problems due to misperceptionsand hallucinations.
People with bipolar disorder may have many different symptoms, including depression,joy, and psychotic symptoms like delusions or paranoia. These are all symptomsof one condition not separate conditions that a person has to deal with.
Bipolar disorder makes the mind swingbetween different thoughts and emotions, But when treated the psychosis can bemanaged.
Psychotic symptoms occur most oftenduring manic episodes. But people can also experience psychotic symptoms duringepisodes of depression..
Patients sometimes have to behospitalized if they have psychotic symptom. They may have grandiose delusionsthey have powers.  It may be that theyhave a special connection with the universe. People can be so depressed thatthey can be psychotic depression. It happens frequently with mania can occur indepression. People may be a danger to themselves
Antipsychotics and mood stabilizers willstop the psychosis and keep it from coming back. While  medication is effective in managing psychoticsymptoms and bipolar disorder. therapy is often recommended to help tounderstand the psychotic symptoms and to recover from the psychotic experience .Regular follow-ups with a doctor are important for managing psychotic symptomsand bipolar disorder itself, so that any recurring episodes can be spotted andstopped quickly.
Bipolar disorder is an illness thatrequires a long term commitment to staying well, compliance to treatment, andmonitoring.   Just taking a pill does not make it just go away.While symptoms can be managed, but it is important to keep aware of them to seesymptoms start up again.
Bipolar disorder isn't something thatcan or should be managed alone. The individual with bipolar disorder needs helpto be monitored, and to watch for symptoms that he might not be able to notice.Family can help in monitoring symptoms, and letting the doctor know of anychanges or signs of an impending episode. The earlier signs are caught, thebetter the opportunity to prevent an episode and keep symptoms under control.

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